Our inaugural Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report showcases how today’s corporate entrepreneurs enable and inspire industry innovators.

Diane Christman leads The Cable Center’s work to build on the activation of the organization's five-year strategic plan, Vision 2025; the expansion of Intrapreneurship Academy; and the investment in creating a vibrant community for resource and idea sharing.

Ken Klaer leads Comcast Technology Solutions, an organization developing wholesale, syndication, video platform, and ad delivery and also heads the Strategic Infrastructure team responsible for video and infrastructure.
Welcome to Our First Annual Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report
Innovation starts with an idea. A flash of inspiration. Matching need with possibility. Idea generation happens much the same way today as it did more than 75 years ago when our industry began. The original entrepreneurs perceived a need, had an idea, and identified the resources to connect people in ways that had never been done before. For an idea to take hold, it needs time and space to be nurtured, guidance to be cultivated, and connections and resources to be realized. We have long been a place that invests time, talent, and resources to advance our greatest source of ideas – our people. At The Cable Center, we empower our industry’s innovators through our programs and experiences and inspire their work to drive change within their organizations. Our inaugural Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report aligns to two critical pillars that support organizational growth and success today: intrapreneurship and innovation. Within this report, you’ll find data-driven insights on the state of innovation in our industry, perspectives from influencers and global changemakers, and innovation-in-action resources that illustrate how and why corporate entrepreneurs invest in the development of the next generation of innovators and drive innovation from within. We represent and reflect an industry made up of visionaries and doers. Now is the time for big ideas. In 2022, we will innovate and evolve our organization in concert with our fast-changing industry and continue to contribute to this body of work throughout the year. Thank you to our partners who contributed to the development of the Intrapreneurship & Innovation Report. We look forward to continued collaboration as we advance innovation together to shape what's next.

Diane Christman
President & CEO The Cable Center and Intrapreneurship Academy
Thriving in the Connected Marketplace of the Future
The challenges and opportunities facing the technology, media, and service provider ecosystem arrive at a faster pace and with more potential impact than at any time in our history. I am reminded of two expressions: “may you live in interesting times” and "the only thing permanent in life is change.” Industries are changing rapidly. For cable specifically, we are witnessing the emergence of new viewing/streaming models and connectivity technologies. The advanced innovation happening across our peer companies enables us to compete at a level that years ago we might not have imagined. To succeed in this environment, I believe companies must embrace challenges, be forward thinking, and lean into the kind of changes required to operate in this hyper-competitive and connected marketplace of the future. I feel fortunate to work for a company that has had the foresight to adapt and change strategies and adjust to meet new market and customer requirements. We recognize that our people are our most important resource. I am a fan of Daniel Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, where he summarizes the importance of autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Companies that make appropriate changes at warp speed will thrive in the future. Command and control organization designs should migrate to more agile structures led by highly motivated, autonomous teams. It’s been my privilege to work with The Cable Center for several years. I have taken a special interest in Intrapreneurship Academy where I have presented to and learned from the various course participants. Intrapreneurship Academy teaches attendees how to be champions of change from the inside and creates an industry network of like-minded up-and-comers. I encourage you to embrace this report and learn more about driving change in these interesting and challenging times.

Ken Klaer
EVP & President Comcast Technology Solutions