Intrapreneurship Academy at The Cable Center: The Place to Activate Your Leaders

Intrapreneurship Academy at The Cable Center The Place to Activate Your Leaders

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

To quote Richard Branson, “Innovation happens when people are given the freedom to ask questions and the resources and power to find the answers.”

For the connectivity and content industry to continue to grow and thrive we must empower our bold thinkers. People are looking for a place and a forum to ask questions and get resources so that they can return to their organizations and act as intrapreneurs. Intrapreneurship Academy at The Cable Center is that place.

Intrapreneurship Academy has experienced tremendous momentum this year. Our leadership development courses continue to gain traction – our graduates are flourishing, creating value, and making an impact. This year, we launched a course dedicated to leadership agility that is garnering rave reviews. And I’m delighted to announce that we are rolling out two new courses next year to double our offerings!

When developing courses and programs to empower our connectivity industry leaders, we focus on these four important components of intrapreneurship:

Innovation from Within: Innovation is defined as introducing something different that creates value. For organizations to remain vital and competitive, they must foster continuous innovation. To do that, organizations must provide future innovators with the tools, skills, and vocabulary for innovation.

Agility: While planning is essential, preparedness is key when unplanned change occurs. Preparing for the unexpected and having the ability to make adjustments when situations change defines agility. This demonstrates why agile organizations are more successful than those that struggle to adapt quickly and efficiently. And, agile organizations have agile leaders.

Empowered Leaders: When organizations empower their leaders, they encourage an ownership mentality. This mindset leads to better engagement and results. Engaged leaders contribute more, innovate with increased frequency, and stay at companies longer.

Customer-Driven Orientation: Successful organizations understand what customers want and expect, whether those customers are internal or external. Delivering great customer experiences is essential to every organization’s future.

The Intrapreneurship Academy strengthens your leaders so they can act as entrepreneurs within your organization – innovating from within, having an ownership mentality, being agile when conditions or situations change, and maintaining a customer-first approach. As an organization we, too, remain agile so that we can grow and adapt to fill the needs of our industry partners.

Driving Innovation, our flagship course, teaches the process of innovation where participants advance a real-world project from problem statement to innovation business plan. In many cases, these projects add immediate value to their organizations.

Leading with Agility prepares leaders to turn unplanned change into unexpected opportunity. Organizations are a human system, and people from all parts of the organization need to be prepared to flex and adapt as conditions change.

Now for the reveal of what we plan to offer in 2022. For organizations to respond to unplanned change with agility, there needs to be a culture of agility from the top.

Leading with Agility: Executive Intensive is our new one and one-half-day in-person session for Senior Vice Presidents to C-level executives. They begin this learning adventure with an assessment of their agility and that of their organization, then work through a process for maximizing agility at all levels. It includes three one-on-one coaching sessions to help executives create an agile organization.

Leveraging Customer Experience helps participants develop creative and innovative solutions to the challenges of designing and delivering on the customer experience promise.

We look forward to activating your leaders to become intrapreneurs and deliver measurable results.

Jana Henthorn

Reserve your 2022 spots now as you’re finalizing next year’s budgets. Presale rates are available through October 1, 2021. For more details on dates and courses, and to make a reservation, visit

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