Paul S. Maxwell

Media Business Corporation

Paul S. Maxwell, 2004 Cable Hall of Fame Honoree

I started something called CableFax, a daily (cable) news publication delivered by facsimile machines. In 89, you’d be surprised; not every office had one.

Paul S. Maxwell has been chronicling and commenting on and to the cable industry since 1969 – something he continues to do for CableFAX Daily and CableWORLD. Currently, CEO of Media Business Corp, a database, research and publishing company, Maxwell has been involved with most of the industry’s publications including CATV Newsweekly, TV & Communications, CED, Communications Technology, CableWORLD, The Bridge and, among the two or so dozen publications he has created which include, CableVision, Multichannel News and CableFAX Daily (the first ad-supported daily fax-delivered newsletter.)

Maxwell was a successful popular lyricist writing and performing in the early and mid 1960’s, and a decorated US Army officer serving in Southeast Asia as a reporter for Stars & Stripes and a combat historian. He was the founding president of X*PRESS Information Services in the late 1980’s, a too-early-for-its time multiplexing of some 90 newswire services that distributed re-coded news and stock quotes to personal computers via satellite and cable systems. He is a founding member of CTAM; a co-founder and longtime board member of the Walter Kaitz Foundation; a Cable TV Pioneer and member of the Cable Pioneer Board of Directors; recipient of the SCTA’s R.E. Turner Innovator of the Year Award in 1998; and a recipient of the NCTA’s Vanguard Award in 2000. Maxwell studied theology at Southern Methodist University and journalism at the University of Colorado, while learning to ski.

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