Steve Simmons

Patriot Media and Communication

Steve Simmons, 2015 Cable Hall of Fame Honoree

Steve created his first cable company, Simmons Communications, in 1981. Over the next decade it served over 300,000 customers in 20 states. The company improved cable service in many places around the country, including its complete turnaround of the Long Beach, California system. Upon its sale the Mayor issued a proclamation citing the great improvement in customer and technical service and major contributions to the community.

In 2001 Steve started Patriot Media. The dramatically improved service in its system serving Princeton and 29 other towns in New Jersey, won plaudits from local communities. In 2006 he was recognized by CableWorld as US Independent Cable Operator of the Year for Patriot’s operational success and advanced triple play technology. Today, Steve and the Patriot management team have ownership in and manage RCN Cable, Grande and Choice that together serve over 700,000 customers.

Steve also served on the Board of Virgin Media, a public company that provided cable and mobile service in the United Kingdom, and today sits on the Board of Cablevision. Steve previously served on the NCTA Board for 3 years, was voted a Cable Pioneer, and for over 25 years has been chairing the Cable Entrepreneurs Club whose members include 25 present and former Chairmen/CEOs of cable companies.

In his non-cable life, Steve has worked on the White House staff, been a professor at the University of California, a Governor on the US Broadcasting Board of Governors where he chaired committees overseeing Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Chair of the gubernatorial Commission in Connecticut examining the educational achievement gap, and producer of an Emmy Award winning documentary on education reform issues. Steve has also written 5 children’s books. He is a graduate of Cornell University and Harvard Law School.

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